Muhammad Salman Kabir
Muhammad Salman Kabir
Electrical Engineer | Signal Processing & Machine Learning Enthusiast
Electrical Engineer | Signal Processing & Machine Learning Enthusiast
Who Am I
An electrical engineer, machine learning enthusiast and above all, a curious learner. Passionate about working in research and development sector. Currently, involved in acoustics, computer vision and neuroscience research projects.
Lab of Neuroscience & Cognitive Technologies, IU
- Studied the applicability of interpretable machine learning in identifying and in evaluating the reconfiguration of pre-stimulus functional network structure of human brain under a prolonged cognitive task
- Explored the neural mechanism of autism spectrum disorder and studied the role of alpha band functional connectivity in frontal lobe to develop a neuro-marker for autism spectrum disorder
- Article - MS. Kabir, S. Kurkin, G. Portnova, O. Martynova, A. Hramov. Contrastive machine learning reveals in EEG resting‐state network salient features specific to autism spectrum disorder (DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2024.115123)
- Article - MS. Kabir, J. Mir, C. Rascon, LR. Shahid, F. Shaukat. Machine learning inspired efficient acoustic-based high‐energy impulse sound event detection and localization system (Online)
- Article - N. Frolov, MS. Kabir, V. Maksimenko, A. Hramov. Machine learning evaluates changes in functional connectivity under a prolonged cognitive load (DOI: 10.1063/5.0070493)
- Article - S. Kurkin, N. Smirnov, E. Pitsik, MS. Kabir, O. Martynova, O. Sysoeva, G. Portnova, A. Hramov. Features of the resting-state functional brain network of children with autism spectrum disorder: EEG source-level analysis. (DOI: 10.1140/epjs/s11734-022-00717-0)
- Conference Paper - MS. Kabir, S. Kurkin. Combination of machine learning and functional networks concept for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (DOI: 10.1109/CNN56452.2022.9912484)
- Conference Paper - MS. Kabir, I. Ndukwe, Z. Shahid. Deep learning inspired vision based frameworks to spot unmanned aerial vehicles (DOI: 10.1109/ICECCE52056.2021.9514124)
- Conference Paper - H. Ali, MS. Kabir. Design and development of an unmanned ground vehicle with serial manipulator and its control mechanism (DOI: 10.1109/ICECCE52056.2021.9514228)
- Conference Talk – Combination of machine learning and functional connectivity concepts for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder at the fourth international conference on Neurotechnologies and Neurointerfaces, 14 − 16 Sept. 2022, Kaliningrad, Russia
- Conference Talk – Deep learning inspired vision based frameworks to spot unmanned aerial vehicles at the third international conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering, 12 − 14 June 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Research Studies
Computer Vision
OpenCV | scikit‐image|Pillow
Machine Learning
TensorFlow | PyTorch | Keras | scikit‐learn
Data Science
NumPy | SciPy | pandas | Matplotlib | seaborn
Embedded Systems
Arduino | Raspberry Pi | STM 32 | AVR | PIC | BeagleBone | DSPs | FPGA
Programming Languages
Python| MATLAB | Julia | R | C | C++ | LabVIEW | Verilog | SQL | Java
Computational Neuroscience
BCT | FieldTrip | MNE | SPM | EEGLAB | Brainflow | Brainstorm | EEGNET | NeuroKit2
Machine Learning | Computational Neuroscience | Signal Processing | Embedded Systems
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